
 I'm Brittani, a mid-twenties vegetarian living in the green state of Washington, married to a fellow vegetarian who is also bound in holy matrimony to a gluten-free diet (my goal is to be a better wifey than tapioca flour. We'll see).

Many people wonder how and what we eat. No meat by choice, no "real" bread, no quick and easy foods. However, I've learned how thrilling it is to create and alter recipes, and really get to know our food and all the ways it can be deliciously prepared. There are so many unique ways to prepare gluten-free, vegetarian fare and when I discover a new recipe turned out the way I wanted to, it's incredibly satisfying. Our kitchen is a stage of experimentation and substitutions - it's a good time.

Holla atcha girl: britt.a.webb (at) gmail (dot) com. I'd love to hear from you!